Weekly Open Thread: Happy Holidays Edition

Sorry for the lull–between a succession of family engagements, egg nog binge drinking, and preparing for an upcoming vacation (I’m outta here on the 27th), my attention to the ‘Project has been minimal this weekend.  I hope that you’re all enjoying your holiday weekend–our first one in a long time with incoming Democratic majorities in the House and Senate.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Swing State Project to you.

Feel free to use this as an open thread.

10 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: Happy Holidays Edition”

  1. I have returned from two days with my family. I must admit that I have a mixed family.  Some very strong conservative republicans and then those of us who have some sense.  I am amazed at the  fire and hate that the mention of Hillary Clinton evokes.  I am equally amazed at the reaction of the conservative GOP faction of the family and their eagerness to vote for Barack Obama.  I kept hearing if only you Democrats would nominate him, we would all vote for him.  They see him as like them and he communicates their concerns.  This from some who still defend George Bush.  Some are members of evangelical churches.  The Dem part of the family loves Hillary but sees her as unelectable and are as eager to support Obama.  This is rural conservative Indiana.  Who can explain it?

  2. I was going to go on an egg nog binge, but I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I expected.  Very sad.  But I’ll use the rest to make pancakes or waffles.

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